Swap ATON to ETH
Arenaton provides users with the ability to swap ATON tokens for ETH at a 1:1 ratio. This feature allows users to convert their ATON holdings back into ETH whenever they wish.
How to Swap
Swapping Process:
Users can swap ATON to ETH at any moment they choose.
The swap rate is fixed at 1 ATON = 1 ETH.
Note that ETH cannot be swapped to ATON directly through this feature.
Steps to Swap ATON to ETH:
Access the Swap Function: Navigate to the swap section within the Arenaton platform.
Initiate the Swap: Specify the amount of ATON you wish to convert to ETH.
Confirm the Transaction: Confirm the transaction to complete the swap. The equivalent amount of ETH will be transferred to your wallet.
Obtaining ATON
Winning or Drawing Events:
The only way to obtain ATON tokens is by participating in events on Arenaton.
Users can earn ATON by winning or drawing events.
Event Participation:
Winning Events: Stake ETH on events and win to receive ATON tokens.
Drawing Events: Participate in events that result in a draw to earn ATON tokens.
By ensuring that ATON can only be acquired through winning or drawing events, Arenaton maintains a fair and competitive environment where active participation is rewarded.
Last updated